New Life Masterclass Series

Master the many tools at your fingertips for improving your health, naturally!

Individual Class - $20
All 4 Classes of the Month - $65

Classes are available in person as well as remotely via Zoom.

In-person attendees only recieve bonus offers, specials and take homes.

All classes are held at 6pm - In-person classes are held at 2563 Darlington Road, Beaver Falls, PA 15010. Pre-registration required.

Protecting Yourself in a Polluted World

Thursday, March 9th

We can run, but we can’t hide! Toxins are everywhere and are increasing in number year after year in our world. The recent train derailment in Ohio has many concerned, and for good reason! Come explore a multi-faceted approach to manage your toxic load LONG term for vibrant health.


Lymphatic Drainage

Tuesday, March 14th

Our lymphatic system is working hard for us all the time! Discover your own lymphatic system, what it does for you and leave with several do-it-yourself tools and exercises to keep it running smoothly. In-person attendees will receive exclusive discounts for services.


Heavy Metal Toxicity

Tuesday, March 21st

Come and explore the many ways in which heavy metals in our foods, environment, cookware, dental fillings and more can impact our health and what to do about it! In-person attendees will have access to special offers on services as well as products.


Parasites 101- Why we get them and how to address root causes

Tuesday, March 28th

Many of us have unsuspecting “critters” lurking inside of us and aren’t even aware. This class is all about how to know if you have parasites, common (but overlooked) symptoms and most importantly, what to do about them. In-person attendees will receive special discounts on services and products.
